WebShell Features

Discover the power and versatility of our web-based Debian terminal.


Fully Interactive Terminal

Experience a genuine Debian terminal environment in your browser. Run various Linux commands, explore file systems, and interact with your environment as if you were using a local terminal.

curl -X POST https://web-terminal-eight.vercel.app/run -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"command": "ls -l"}'

This command lists files in the current directory, showcasing the terminal's capability to execute common commands.

Instant Access

Launch the terminal directly from your browser with no setup or installation required. Ideal for quick tasks and experiments, WebShell provides immediate access to a Debian environment.

curl -X POST https://web-terminal-eight.vercel.app/run -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"command": "df -h"}'

This command displays disk usage, illustrating how WebShell can be used for various administrative tasks.

Customizable Experience

Although WebShell is not highly customizable, it provides an easy-on-the-eyes experience with its default settings. Tailor the terminal's appearance to some extent to make your terminal experience pleasant.

curl -X POST https://web-terminal-eight.vercel.app/run -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"command": "echo $PS1"}'

This command shows the current shell prompt, which can be customized according to user preferences within the limits of the current design.

API Integration

WebShell's API allows you to integrate terminal commands into your applications. Use the API to execute commands remotely and retrieve results programmatically.

curl -X POST https://web-terminal-eight.vercel.app/run -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"command": "cat /proc/uptime"}'

This command returns system uptime, demonstrating how the API can be used for monitoring and automation.

Node.js Support

The WebShell terminal now supports Node.js. Simply type node in the terminal, and you will be redirected to the Node.js browser REPL, where you can run JavaScript commands directly.

Terminal Customization Commands

WebShell provides several commands to customize the appearance and behavior of the terminal. Here are the commands available:

Font Customization

Change the terminal font using the setfont command. You can specify a URL to a font file to apply a custom font to the terminal:

setfont <font-url>

Example commands:

Text and Background Color Customization

Customize text and background colors using the following commands:

setcolor <color>
setbgcolor <color>

Replace <color> with a color name (e.g., red) or hex code (e.g., #ff0000). Example commands: